Bring Joy to Your Space

When you think modern, think GOAT Design + Build. we excel in transforming homes using the latest trends and tech, turning kitchens and bathrooms into Pintrest-worthy spaces and seamlessly adding square footage where you didn't even know it was possible.

Our team takes a personalized approach to every project, ensuring your home becomes a beautiful reflection of your unique style and preferences. Plus, with an eye on value enhancement and eco-friendly practices, GOAT Design + Build ensures you’re not just making your home prettier but also adding some serious market value.

Beyond the fancy craftsmanship and dreamy design work, GOAT Design + Build knows how to treat you like a VIP. From your first design consultation to the final reveal, the team is there with you, guiding you through each step and making sure you enjoy the process. Investing in GOAT means you're investing in a future where your home is the ultimate showstopper. With this level of excellence, it's no wonder the company claims the title of the greatest of all time in design and build!

Meet the Team

Chris and Kaya’s partnership is the secret sauce behind GOAT Design + Build's success. Together, they blend Chris's sharp eye for architecture and construction with Kaya's flair for artistic design. This dynamic duo creates a balanced approach to every project, combining precision with creativity to craft spaces that are not just visually stunning but also functional and personalized.

Their combined experience and complementary skill sets allow them to tackle projects with confidence, always aiming for the perfect balance between aesthetics and practical living. Clients benefit from their harmonious partnership, which means seamless collaboration and a smooth journey from concept to completion.

  • Founder

    Chris's love affair with Design + Build kicked off at the ripe old age of four, when he and his dad took on the ambitious project of constructing a cabin from scratch in the north woods of Minnesota. By 13, Chris had graduated from treehouse architect to full-on construction crew member, taking on the tasks no one else wanted to touch. His hard work paid off as he climbed the ranks to become a Construction Foreman by just 17.

    Chris kept busy exploring the world of construction through his high school and college days, culminating in a degree in Environmental Design with an Emphasis in Architecture from the University of Colorado Boulder. After that, he journeyed through some of the most prestigious firms in Colorado and across the U.S., quickly rising to the top of his architectural career.

    These days, Chris is all about bridging the infamous gap between architects and builders, keeping the delicate balance between design and build just right. His passion for innovation and excellence is what drives GOAT Design + Build forward, one project at a time.

  • Design Director

    Kaya's journey into the world of creativity began as soon as she could hold a crayon. From designing her own clothes and choosing paint colors to graduating from the Art Institute of Dallas with a degree in fashion design, Kaya's path has been a colorful one. But by the time she hit 28, she had a revelation—her passion for design wasn’t just about fashion, but about transforming spaces and homes into works of art.

    Kaya's talent lies in her ability to collaborate with architects and designers, bringing their visions to life with her unique touch of creativity. Her knack for creating captivating, functional spaces makes her an integral part of the GOAT Design + Build team, where creativity meets precision.

    Kaya and Chris have found the perfect balance in their partnership, both professionally and personally. They live in Elk River with their beautiful daughter and their lovable dog, Enzo. Together, they blend creativity and craftsmanship, turning their clients' dreams into stunning realities.

Get in touch.